NL/ EU Support Peace Efforts in Russia and Ukraine
The Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church has come out in full support of Russia’s illegal and immoral invasion of Ukraine. Much of the propaganda for this war is shaped by religious imagery and culture. At the same time, it is illegal to oppose the war in Russia, with punishments ranging from $45,000 fines to 15 years in prison. People who oppose the war on religious grounds are being threatened with being classified as religious extremists by Center E, a “secret police” in Russia that investigates terrorists, and which has been accused of running torture-prisons.
This money will be used for:
Translating materials from Ukrainian to English and English to Ukrainian.
Subsidizing the production of new materials and media in Ukrainian, English, and Russian.
Allowing OPF to fund a dedicated Ukrainian-Russian peace and reconciliation program, which will connect Russian peacemakers with those in Ukraine, amplifying both Russian and Ukrainian voices for peace.
Support Peace Efforts in Russia and Ukraine
The Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church has come out in full support of Russia’s illegal and immoral invasion of Ukraine. Much of the propaganda for this war is shaped by religious imagery and culture. At the same time, it is illegal to oppose the war in Russia, with punishments ranging from $45,000 fines to 15 years in prison. People who oppose the war on religious grounds are being threatened with being classified as religious extremists by Center E, a “secret police” in Russia that investigates terrorists, and which has been accused of running torture-prisons.
OPF Donation Form
The Orthodox Peace Fellowship of the Protection of the Mother of God is an association of Orthodox Christian believers seeking to bear witness to the peace of Christ by applying the principles of the Gospel to situations of division and conflict, whether in the home, the parish, the community we live, the work place, within our particular nations, and between nations. We work for the conservation of God’s creation and especially of human life. We are not a political association and support no political parties or candidates.