All essays: In Communion
- Nuclear Cacodoxy?
- A memory of Jim Forest by Arno Akkermans
- Jim Forest in memoriam By Fr Andrew Louth
- Remembering Jim Forest By Vincent van Buuren
- The Tangerine of Love by Thirza Buijkx
- Holy Consistency: Jim Forest ‘s Life of Protest and Proclamation By Michael Plekon
- The Remarkable Life of Mother Gavrilia
- Meditations at a Graveyard
- Lessons Learned from a Protestant Minister
- Metropolitan Evlogy and the Martyria of Amsterdam
- How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Transfiguration by Nicholas Sooy
- The One Sin for Which the Orthodox Church Gives a Blessing by Fr. Mark Korban
- A Bag of Bullets by Aaron Haney
- Ethics of the Resurrection + PROTOPRESBYTER JOHN MEYENDORFF
- Race and the Fall By Pieter Dykhorst
- Incorporating Culture: Truth, Reconciliation and the Pathway to Peace
- The Meaning of the Cross
- What Are You Fighting For?
- That the World May Believe
- Christmas is the Real Birthday of Each of Us
- Some Reflections on the Approaching Great and Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church
- Mother Maria Skobtsova, Martyr of Sobornost
- Dia-Logos with the cosmos: A Chapter from "Being Bread" by Fr. Stephen Muse, IC70
- What Has Love Got To Do with It? A Reflection by Fr. John D. Jones, IC70
- St. Patrick’s Challenge to Nationalism
- Where Love Is Never Treason
- Holy Disobedience
- War and Virtue
- The Inward Mission of Our Church
- War and Virtue, full text keynote address OPF conference 2013
- Courage between Rocks and Guns
- St. Silouan: On the Love of Enemies
- Patience with God
- ‘Forgive Us …. As We Forgive’: Forgiveness In The Psalms And The Lord’s Prayer
- Finding Peace by Father Lev Gillet
- Peacemaking As Vocation: Toward an Orthodox Understanding by Fr. Emmanuel Clapsis
- The Church As Neighbor: Corporately and Compassionately Engaged by Fr. John D. Jones
- Healing in the Parish and the World: Let Us Go Forth in Peace by Bishop Kallistos Ware
- The King’s Jubilee: A ministry to the homeless of Philadelphia by Cranford Coulter
- Peace in the Parish by Anthony S. Bashir and Fr. John Mefrige
- The Woman Jezebel: Thoughts on the False Christian Character of Fascism by Miltiadis Konstantinou and Efstathios C. Lianos-Liantis
- Searching Every Which Way by Alex Patico
- An appeal to forbid the blessing of weapons
- St. Basil the Holy Fool of Moscow
- Sunday before the Exaltation of the Cross: Where do we stand?
- We Must Refuse to Hate Each Other: Interview with Archpriest Alexey Uminsky
- A Sermon From Moscow: A Parish Priest Speaks to His Flock
- Orthodox Culture as the Cross in “Cross-Cultural”
- The Desert Finds Us
- Forgiving All in the Light of the Resurrection
- Erasmus of Rotterdam & The Church Fathers
- Peace and Peacemaking as an Interfaith and Ecumenical Vocation: An Orthodox View
- How’s this for a mission statement? –Epistle to Diognetus
- Opening the Doors of Compassion: Cultivating a Merciful Heart
- Saint Alexander Schmorell: A Canonization in Munich
- Forgiving All in the Light of the Resurrection: A Scientific Approach
- Serving the Poor: Beyond Food, Clothing, and Shelter
- Communion and Otherness
- Forgive Us…as We Forgive: Forgiveness in the Psalms and the Lord’s Prayer, by Metropolitan Kallistos Ware
- A Pilgrimage to Hell
- Who of These Is Not Like The Others? by Alex Patico
- Forgiveness – Finding Wholeness Again By Teresa Peneguy Paprock
- Forgive Us…as We Forgive: Forgiveness in the Psalms and the Lord’s Prayer by Met. Kallistos Ware
- The Challenge of a 20th Century Saint, Maria Skobtsova
- Of Whom I am First: on the death of Osama Bin Laden
- Orthodox Approaches to Nonviolent Resistance
- A High Wind of Grace in Jamaica
- The Real Saint George
- The Invisible Border
- Treasury of Blessings
- Saints Cosmas & Damian: Unmercenary Physicians
- Beauty Will Save the Church
- Women in Prison: On the Glory Road
- Paschal Hospitality
- Tahrir Square, Again
- Pascha in Dachau
- Orthodox Perspectives on Peace, War and Violence
- Blessed Alexander Schmorell and the White Rose
- When Killing is Just Pressure on the Trigger
- The Least of These
- Blessed Are You Poor
- Tolstoy and the Sign of the Cross
- Distributism: a Primer for Orthodox Christians
- The Social Doctrine of St. Basil the Great
- A Prayer for Peace and Repentance
- Who’s to Blame for Human Suffering?
- The Muddle that is the Middle East
- The Road
- Adam, Where Are You?
- The Kiss of Peace
- The Pitiable Ahab
- As God Wills
- The Mystery of the Present Moment
- Corporatism or Commonweal?
- May Christians Kill?
- Rising out of the Fall
- Restoring the Diaconate of Women
- Building The New City: St. Basil’s Social Vision
- Orthodox-Muslim Relations: The Search for Truth
- The Liturgy after the Liturgy
- Fifty issues of In Communion
- Saying Yes
- Fr. David Kirk’s Legacy of Hope
- Consider Today’s Lily
- Removing the Wall Between Mary and Martha
- A Sunday of Forgiveness in Nairobi
- Living on the Wrong Side of the Wall
- The Barrier Wall
- Young Adam
- Young Adam by Frederica Mathewes-Green
- Boundaries and Bridges
- Wanderings and Wonderings About Women and Walls
- St. John Chrysostom, Almsgiving, and Persons with Disability
- Orthodoxy and Peace
- Post Traumatic Spiritual Disorder and the False History Syndrome
- Remembering Fr. David Kirk
- The Wounded Torturer
- Doing Justice, Loving Mercy
- The Pilgrimage of Illness
- Hate Breeds Hate
- Prisoners We are Forbidden to Visit
- Zealous for Truth
- Voluntary Simplicity in the Bible
- The Rich Young Man
- St. George the Great Martyr
- Bridges
- Holy Fools in Russian Literature
- Holy Wisdom, Holy Foolishness
- Love Your Enemy As Yourself
- The Healing of Enmity
- What We Want in Our Political Leaders
- Parish Peacemaking in a Consumer Society
- Healing Our Damaged World
- Do you wish to be made whole?
- Seeking the Peace from Above
- Letter from St. Paulinus of Nola: An appeal to a soldier to leave the military
- Souls in Motion: A Place of Hospitality
- Police and Philokalia: Training Your Gun on Inner Demons
- Confronting Poverty and Stigmatization: An Orthodox Perspective
- Mrs. Jellyby and the Domination of Causes
- Learning Forgiveness in Narnia
- On the Lord’s Prayer
- The Sign of the Cross
- Prayers by the Lake
- Who Is My Neighbor?
- The Beatitude of Tears
- Living in Communion
- Reflections on Pope John Paul
- The Reality of Evil
- A Gift of the Holy Spirit: The Love of Enemies
- 'Only With Love'
- Tirana’s Soup Kitchen
- Talking to Strangers
- On Christian Unity and the Problem of Religious Rivalry
- We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us
- Rouault’s Hope-Giving Images
- Forgiving all by the Resurrection
- Palm Sunday: Gateway to the Cross and Resurrection
- Let us call "brothers" even those who hate us and forgive all by the Resurrection
- Two Soldiers of Christ: Boris and Gleb
- Becoming the Jesus Prayer
- The Treehouse: Saving Lives One by One
- Nonviolence and Peace Traditions in Early & Eastern Christianity
- Nonviolence and Peace Traditions in Early & Eastern Christianity
- The Passion of Anger
- Family-Centered Education
- Blessed
- Death With Dignity?
- “It Was Not You…”
- John of Kronstadt
- On Abortion and Over-Population
- Teaching Icon Painting to Prisoners
- Coming to the Tomb
- Healing by Mud
- A Fitting Way to Celebrate the Year 2000
- The Role of Conscience
- The Serbian Orthodox Church
- The Theological Necessity for Humor
- The Bystander
- The Passions: Enemy or Friend?
- The Universal Character of Monastic Spirituality
- Blessed are the Peacemakers
- Saints and Spirit-Bearers
- Models of Self-Emptying Love
- On Homicide
- Saint Gerasimos and Jordanes
- Twenty Questions
- How Do I See The Universe and Man’s Place In It
- Humanity and Nature in Icons
- The Witness of the Faithful and Peace in the Family
- Wisdom and Wonder
- The Prophetic Role of Orthodoxy
- Inside a Children's Ark
- Jihad and Community
- A Christian perspective on Islam
- Communion and Otherness
- The Parable of the Vineyard
- The Architecture of War
- Jesus and the Natural World
- Confession: the Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Incarnation as Revelation of Humanity
- Reconciliation Across Generations
- Making Peace With a Painful Past
- Peace for Our Souls
- A Round-about Way of Becoming Orthodox
- The Hospitality of Abraham & Sarah
- Rethinking Ecumenism
- The risen life is a rejoicing life
- Ethnic conflicts and the Orthodox Church
- And cleanse us from every impurity
- Rebuilding Russian Orthodoxy the Ecumenical Issue
- Orthodoxy, Peace & Reconciliation
- Interweaving Melody
- Mother Gavrilia;A Holocaust to His Love
- The View from Below
- Remembering Metropolitan Anthony
- God Has Not Abandoned the World
- Getting From There to Here
- Freedom
- Reflections on the Liturgy
- Becoming the Gospel: the example of four saints
- Impressions of a Canonization
- The Orthodox Church and Society
- XI. Personal and national health
- XII. Problems of bioethics