- Nonviolence and Peace Traditions in Early & Eastern Christianity by Fr John McGuckin
- Peace and Peacemaking as an Interfaith and Ecumenical Vocation: An Orthodox View by Fr Emmanuel Chapsis
- Advice on Peacemaking from the Saints
- OPF Appeal to Ban the Blessing of Weapons
- Iraq War Articles and Essays
- For the Peace from Above: on War, Peace and Nationalism
- Orthodox Christians and Conscientious Objection by Jim Forest
- Salt of the Earth: An Orthodox Christian Approach to Peacemaking by Jim Forest
- War and Peace in Orthodox Tradition by Jim Forest
- Pro-War is Not Pro-Life by Metropolitan Jonah
- No Just War in the Fathers by Fr. Stanley Harakas
- Peace in Orthodox Liturgy and Life by Fr. Philip LeMasters
- Orthodox Perspectives on Peace, War and Violence by Fr. Philip LeMasters
- May Christians Kill? by Fr. Philip LeMasters
- The Orthodox Church and Peace by Olivier Clement
- The Pacifist Option by Fr. Alexander Webster
- Review of "The Virtue of War"
- Finding Peace by Fr Lev Gillet
- 'Forgive Us As We Forgive' by Metropolitan Kallistos Ware
- Spiritual Combat Against War by Fr Georgi Chistyakov
- Saint Silouan on the Love of Enemies
- Orthodox Americans, the OPF, and Iraq by Michael G. Azar