Letter from the Editor – Fall 2020 IC-74
THIS YEAR has been filled with many challenges, most especially due to the onset of the global COVID-19 pandemic. At times, the massive... Read More
Letter from the Editor: Fighting Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking – Issue 73
Although the number of people living in bondage or slavery as a percentage of the global population has dropped, the actual number... Read More
Letter From The Editor, IC70
Letter from the Editor: Dear reader, This issue represents an effort to introduce ourselves to those who are not already familiar with... Read More
Letter from the Editor
Dear friends,
Likely you are aware of the events that have swept Ukraine onto front pages everywhere and to the brink of civil war in recent weeks. You probably know too that by January 19th, three people had been killed by police, crude barricades had been erected in the Maidan––Kiev’s central Freedom Square—between police and protesters, government buildings had been occupied by loosely organized protesters, and the police were mandated to be tough in restoring public order. And that the first of many fires were lit as the city began to burn.
Letter from the Editor, IC66
Dear friends, This morning as I searched for some gem by St. Maximos the Confessor to offer as the first word on... Read More
Letter from the Editor
What would you do if someone broke into your house and behaved like that?” asks Fr. Alexi Uminsky of Moscow about the... Read More
Letter from the Editor IC 64
ON MAY 4TH, the Dutch celebrate Dodenherdenking, Remembrance of the Dead, a holiday like Remembrance Day in Commonwealth countries and Veterans Day in the... Read More
Letter from the Editor
Dear friends, the summary in our last issue of Fr. Patrick Reardon's report on his visit to Syria prompted a strong reaction... Read More
Dear In Communion reader, June 2009
Dear In Communion reader, It always surprises me, for a journal of so modest a size, how much we manage to get... Read More