
IC 66 2012

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Finding Peace by Father Lev Gillet

Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you.” Jesus gives His peace. He does not loan it; He does not take it back. The peace that is in Jesus “My peace” becomes the disciples’ final possession.

Healing in the Parish and the World: Let Us Go Forth in Peace by Bishop Kallistos Ware

Our theme is the liturgy after the Liturgy. Consider the word “peace” in the Divine Liturgy: In peace let us pray to the Lord, for the peace from above, and for the peace of the whole world; and also the meaning of the celebrant’s greeting, “Peace be with you all.” We know the priest is not just transmitting his own peace, but he is transmitting to the congregation the peace of Christ. And peace, we know, is a gift from God.

Poetry IC 66

a poem: Christ Has No Body Christ has no body but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours, Yours are...
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