Chapter 11
STUDY AND ACTION GUIDE 11.1. Bibliography The Church and War Author unknown: The Early Church and the World. A History of the... Read More
Tägliches Gebet um Frieden
Nichts ist im christlichen Leben grundlegender als das Gebet. Es ist die Grundlage jeder Antwort nicht eine Alternative dazu. Bitte finden Sie... Read More
Calendar for Jim Forest's Fall 2004 lecture trip
as updated September 25, 2004
Reflections on Marriage
Having become Orthodox in the course of our marriage, Jim and I were blessed with the sacrament of marriage on September 10, 1995, at the Church of St. Nicholas of Myra in Amsterdam. After the ceremony I spoke with several women, all of them non-Orthodox, who had had quite some difficulty with part of the wedding service. The part that caused the problems was the reading from St. Paul's letter to the Ephesians. I was concerned that the people who had difficulty with this passage would let it overshadow all the things that they found good and beautiful about the wedding service and about Orthodoxy in general. So I decided to write a brief letter to them to try to address some of these problems.
Out of the Darkness
The voice of Marika Cico Despite the extreme religious repression that reigned in Albania for so many years, thousands of people lived... Read More
Only With Love
The voice of Raimonda Shqeva Since 1995 Raimonda Shqeva has worked full-time with the Service of Love Women's Group, which has its... Read More
A Long Honeymoon
Father Luke and Faith Veronis Father Luke Veronis arrived in Albania in January 1994. He and Faith married the following August, a... Read More
Purity of Heart: an essential for peacemaking
by Albert S. Rossi Purity of heart may contain a key to a personal position on the issue of war and peace,... Read More
The Mission of the Orthodox Peace Fellowship
by Timothy Beach I have noticed that most western converts to the Orthodox Church are "thoughtful" people, in the sense of thinking... Read More